Posts Tagged ‘christmas’

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease nearly 11 years ago.  And for all that time, tremor has never been a problem for me.  Every now and then, just a dab in my right thumb, maybe my forefinger.

Today is Christmas.  I was just settling down to plow through a delicious prime rib sammich, when all of a sudden my right hand starts shaking.  Also my left hand.  They don’t shake all the time, as you’ll see in the video.

From what I can see in the available literature, tremor can and often does get worse in the later stages of the disease.  I took a Stalevo 100 about 45 minutes ago, and I’m not noticing any change.

Let’s hope this is just a temporary glitch, and not a Christmas Gift I’ll Always Remember!


Good Gosh A’Mighty, but We Likes Our Christmassy Stuff!

That’s why we generally use the weekend after Thanksgiving to get the joint all holidayed up!

The Mistress of the House Makes Final Touches

The Area Near My Throne, All Holiday Style

The Mistress Enjoys Pie While the Jesters Await Crust

Christmas Tree, Room Lights On

Christmas Tree, Room Lights Off

Meanwhile, Atop My Printer...