Posts Tagged ‘tea party’

Never being one to let a slight go unretaliated against, using a cannon to kill a fly, Sarah Palin took a shot back at the a First Lady Matriarch today.  It will win her no friends among actual Republicans (not that she has any), but it will make the “Ignorantsia” of the Tea Party flush with glee!

Barbara Bush took a bit of a cat paw swipe at Caribou Barbie the other day during an interview with her husband on Larry King.

“I sat next to her once. Thought she was beautiful,” Barbara Bush said. “And she’s very happy in Alaska, and I hope she’ll stay there.”

Now, a mature and intelligent person would just accept the fact that she had her face lightly scratched by a catty former First Lady — a widely RESPECTED former First Lady.

Not Caribou Barbie.

“I don’t think the majority of Americans want to put up with the blue-bloods,” Palin said in a radio interview on the Laura Ingraham Show Wednesday. “With all due respect because I love the Bushes, the blue-bloods who want to pick and choose their winners instead of allowing competition.”

The former Alaska governor said she will not be suppressed by leaders of the Republican Party, who she said are ignoring “the will of the people.” She also called their statements “inefficient,” “unprofessional” and “immature.”

Not the sort of thing that will go over well with intelligent conservatives.  But the “obscurati” of the far right wing will caper in delight over this insult.

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If the punditry is to be believed, today America is going to take a huge step backwards.  The republicans have PROMISED and CROSSED THEIR HEARTS and HOPED TO DIE that they would NOT do the same things they did for the years they were in charge and for which the Democrats have had a WHOLE TWO YEARS to clean up.  And because Americans have the memory of a goldfish, we believe them.  So, there will likely be a GOP tidal wave with control of Congress — maybe the Senate — going Republican.

Then they can spend the next two years doing what Senate Minority Leader McConnell said was the TOP PRIORITY of the 2011-2012 GOP — and that’s keep Barack Obama from being elected.  Not “improving the economy.”  Not “creating jobs.”  Getting rid of Obama.  That’s the top priority.  They will investigate him.  They will subpoena him.  They will do everything to stall his agenda.  They will make sure YOUR tax break is funneled to the wealthiest 2%.  They will neuter health care reform.  They will ensure that their Wall Street banker buddies get fatter and fatter at YOUR EXPENSE.  If you vote GOP, and are NOT rich, you are VOTING AGAINST YOUR OWN SELF INTEREST!!!  AND NONE OF THIS IS SECRET!  They have SAID this is what they are going to do!

But, as I said, we Americans aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer.  We can barely tear our eyes away from “The Amazing Race” and “Project Runway” long enough to learn the issues… so we just listen to the loudest voices and vote like they tell us to.  Then we bleat contentedly and tune back in to the mindless fodder of “American Idol” until the next time.

But I refused to be discouraged.  Same with Gail.  In about an hour, we’re headed to our local polling place.  We will vote for O’Malley as Governor, Mikulski as Senator, Sarbanes as Congressman.  We will do all WE can.  That’s all any of us can do.

If you are a progressive, and you don’t vote today, then I blame YOU for what happens today and over the next two years.  It will be YOUR fault.  The GOP and Tea Party have been VERY CLEAR as to what THEIR plans are.  You have no excuse.  If they win, it’s because progressives didn’t vote.

If you haven’t voted… do it.  Do it now.  Or bear the blame for the mess that will follow.

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