Posts Tagged ‘research’

Don’t you love it when you donate money to a charitable organization and someone matches your amount?  Well, here’s you chance to benefit Parkinson’s Disease research in the memory of  National Parkinson Foundation Chairman Emeritus Nathan Slewett.  Go to this website, make your donation, and Mr. Slewett’s family and friends will match it, dollar for dollar.

I just got a huge $40 royalty check for one of my books.  Look how I can turn it into an $80 donation.


Spent a lovely half hour this morning with Bryan Allen on CKNX Radio in Wingham, Ontario.  So far, along with being listed on quite a few web news gathering sites, this is the sum total of my investment in yet another press release.  But the release is only 48 hours old, so let’s not give up hope yet.

The whole interview runs about 25 minutes, but you can watch MY end of the first 9 minutes by looking at the You Tube video above.

Or, you can listen to the audio from the entire interview right here.

It was a great conversation and it would be nice if, for once, if one of my radio interviews — or press releases — or any of the other monetary investments I’ve made into trying to raise money for Parkinson’s disease research — would translate into actual book sales.  So far — I’ve sold one PDF download.  That’s about $2 for PD research.  Somehow, I just don’t think that’s going to be enough to do the job.

Anyway, here’s the YOU TUBE link…