Posts Tagged ‘quality paperback’

You have lots of choices when you resign to self-publish a book.  For a nice hardcover, you can’t beat — they deliver a very nice product.  Perhaps a tad on the expensive side, but a quality book.

But they’re as SLOW as a Parky in a snow storm!

Now, for a quality paperback, you can’t do better than Create Space.  I decided to print “Put On Your Parky Face” as a paperback.  For one thing, you can get it for a much cheaper price, and we still get a nice donation to the National Parkinson Foundation and the Charles DBS Research Fund at Vanderbilt.  The hardcover is $40.  The paperback is the same size, and it’s $15.  I got my proof copy yesterday, approved it for distribution, and the sonofagun is already on Amazon!   I paid extra for this, as well as for the distribution service at Lulu.  I’m still waiting for the hardcover to show up on Amazon.  And I submitted it weeks ago.   I submitted the paperback yesterday and have sold two copies already.

So, if you want a nice hardcover, don’t mind paying a premium price for it, you’ll enjoy the book available at Lulu.  But if you just want the book to read, and not to last forever on your bookshelf, go with the Create Space version.

Either way, 100 percent of the profits go to the charities mentioned above.