Posts Tagged ‘podcast’

After I created the new (and lovely, may I add) video you see at the top of the home page, I did our weekly Rec Therapy Podcast for the Clinical Center.  Whereas I went WITHOUT a script for the YouTube video, I used a script for the podcast.

And I kept losing my place.

Not all that unusual.

But today, when I would stumble over words and have to start again, I would forget just where I was in the script, have to listen to the last part of what I had already recorded, then pick it up where I left off.

I’ve never had that problem before.

And it’s a good thing I gave it a good listen before sending it, because I referred to Tuesday as Thursday.

Now I have to sit up perfectly straight to keep my brain from oozing out of my ears.

Yibble bibble bibble!

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