Posts Tagged ‘flag pins’

Thanks to the “Citizens United” Ruling, Wall Street bankers and other rich piggies have the finest government money can buy!  And they didn’t even have to reveal themselves as donors, so they can continue to go to their customers and say “it wasn’t US who helped Congress steal your tax cut and give it to the richest 2 percent!”

I could barely get to sleep last night because of all the champagne corks popping and oinking going on up on Wall Street!

The next two years will consist of little else than Congress doing its best to redistribute wealth… from YOUR pocket to the pockets of the rich bastards who bought the election.  If you’re a progressive who didn’t vote?  Shame on you.  This is ultimately YOUR fault.  If you are a conservative who voted, and you voted for these despoilers of the middle class?  Congratulations.  You carried water for the people who will drown you in it.  You carried your own cross up Calvary so they can nail you to it and sell your blood to the highest bidder.  But at least they’ll wear FLAG PINS while doing it!

The next two years will be stonewalling, investigations into Obama’s birth certificate, investigations into Obama apointees, investigations, investigations, investigations followed by the ultimate goal… IMPEACHMENT!  No time spent on healing the economy, which they drove into the ditch when they last had the car keys.  No time spent on improving the lives of the middle class (not when there’s the upper 2% of millionaires to cater to, and how can THEY get your money when YOU have it?)  No time spent on solving the deficit (extending the Bush tax cuts for the millionaires will add $700 billion to the deficit.  But the GOP only cares about deficits when they’re NOT the majority party.)  Two years of further rape of the economy to pay back the Wall Street puppetmasters who put them there.  Government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.

The single bright side I can see this morning — the Sarah Palin-approved and backed candidates, who trounced the more traditional (and therefore, electable) Republicans in the primaries — all had their asses handed to them.  Christine O’Donnell, who beat “sure thing” Mike Castle who would this morning be “Senator-elect Mike Castle”?  She lost.  Sharon Angle who beat the more electable Sue Lowden (who had huge leads over Harry Reid in the polls)?  She lost.  Joe Miller, who unseated the absolutely electable Lisa Murkowski with Palin’s backing)?  Came in second to Murkowski’s write in bid.   There will be talk today and in the days to come how Sarah Palin, single handedly, cost the GOP control of the Senate.

But that’s for later.

Today, we find ourselves confronted with the dawn of the new era of “Greed is Good.”  Limbaugh and his fellow travelers will be rolling in their own filth today, laughing at YOU, conservative American!  Laughing at YOU (although they’d never do it in public) for being so dense as to vote against your own self interests.

Your bed is made, America.  Have a nice little lie down.  See how it feels.

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